Friday 2 September 2011

Hi again!

I seem to forget about Blogger sometimes, Woops my mistake! I even had to reset my password cause I forgot about it :/
I guess its just hard to start writing to someone without a responce or knowing what to say, I find it a little awkward to type a blog and not know what to say!
I am not sure what to type so uh.........well I guess ill find somewhere to start! lol, Summer holiday went past fast, I start school in a few days, im excited but then again im not looking forward to it, and well I didnt really do much this summer, there wasnt anything to do really!
Went to the beach! saw some sites, and stayed home! FUN!:D lol
I dont know what to type....Some subject on what to write about might help, im not sure what people like to read, or like to know.
its a little strange typing so much and having people read it, but hey im gonna try to blog and tallk abut random stuff:D
Im trying to stick with a theme, but I dont think thats going to happen...Its actually a lot harder to blog than it looks!
All that I have typed has possibly taken me an hour or so to figure out what to say lol!
But then again the draft for this has stayed in the inbox thing for a few days!
School isnt that far away...OK I keep repeating myself! this isnt good blogging!!!!
hm, lets talk about......Other bloggers! well my mum has a blog about food in the south, shes pretty good and has a facebook page with a couple hundred facebook fans! which is pretty awesome! Im gonna try to achieve that lol. Blogging must not run in the family! I SUCK at the moment, but well check it out....its called (A Taste Of Dixie)Ok I know I may be slightly publishing her site on here but hey its worth a try LOL! I check out other peoples blogs and I think Ok, lets try again, if they can do it so can I, but never happens!...........Well I am currently boooooooooorreeed out my mind laying here typing and typing stuff I dont even know what to say! uh watching a Christmas movie in September! and listening to Kings of Leon! (dont ask why) I am a little strange but I guess its a lot better than being normal and boring. I guess everyone is weird in their own certain way....or is it just me? hmm I have very odd thoughts in my mind, I usually keep it to myself cause I get the look of "OK shes a little weird, walk away fast!" So ok, forget it lol, im going to rest and then think of more to say, bye:D