Thursday 19 July 2012

Dominican Republic

Finally in Dominican Republic, so happy here. I'm actually with people who CARE about me, don't lie to me or hurt me! 
Be flying back to the UK in a few days, going to be sad to leave. Got my nose pierced, finally! couldn't before, had something stopping me! 

So glad my life is back to normal now, got my mind of stupid small things, and finally happy! who needs people who lie to them, and hurt them? 
I've never been so damn mad in my life! But I'm taking everyday as a new day, and moving on. I don't think I have been this happy in a LONG time! 
Get to go to my neeew house, that my parents have moved into whilst I was away.

Made so many great friends who I hate to say bye to, and even got a darker tan lol!
Legs hurt so much, haven't danced this much in years! gotta love the beach :D 
Looks like there was a light at the end of my dark, nasty tunnel, and now I am living that light every day! 

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