Tuesday 21 June 2011

Long time no blog

Well its been while since I was on here, to busy with school and that boring stuff..
So glad that the exams are very nearly finished! Only 1! left...Sick of the studying and actually having the exams.
Its been so boring having these exams, everybody is so busy studying. Glad that the summer is very close. Not much happening here, same old stuff I guess. School, Home, School, Home...
Trying to think of things to do is easier said then done, Even though parents say "Back in my time we didnt have the internet, and all these gadgets", well even if we didn't have electricity or gadgets i'd still be bored out of my mind, I know we are meant to use our imagination, Just waiting here for the summer to come.
15 tomorrow, Finally! I've been looking forward to being 15 for years lol.
Almost old enough to work, and make money...

Saturday 11 June 2011

Almost over

Finally exams are almost over, only 2 left(Biology, and Chemistry). Looking forward to the summer, I have a feeling this summer will be the best. I say that every year, but this year I cant wait to begin.
No more studying for exams, get to stay up all night and sleep all day. And be lazy :)
Which I cant wait for....But for some reason every summer I get excited for it to begin then I get so bored half way through and want to go back to school, but then as soon as I go back I want to be at home in pyjamas all day.
I am looking forward to starting work, and being indepented. I cant wait to drive, even though it feels like a long time away.

Thursday 2 June 2011


Life is way to short to worry over what people say about you, Everyone needs to stop worrying over what other people say and start living their lives. To many worry over stupid things and never actually accomplish things in life. Its to short and precious to waste it on backstabbing girls or little arguements people have, Just because someone doesn't like who you are well thats their problem never let people bring you down, even people who you most possibly wont even know in ten years time, maybe less. Just be happy and greatful that you live the life you have, things can be worse. Nobody has time for little dramas that really actually dont matter. People have way to many things to worry about than stupid things. Being jealous, angry, or even feeling that you need revenge isnt worth it, acting that way just shows how sad your own life is. Grow up and seriously act your age not your shoe size, Just be happy with what you have you never know when one day it can all be taken away from you. Things can change fast!