Monday 13 August 2012

FAIL!!!!!!!!!! :P  Now you look stupid...well even more than you are already!

Since you want to play that game here are some home truths. 

YOU will never have a normal real life girlfriend, and if you do then they are blind, deaf and a mute. You will grow old looking for new "soul mates" over the internet, and being a paedophile, any girl that decides they want the abuse of being with you, obviously have 0 brain cells. Because you are A FREAK! a liar, manipulator, control freak, jealous and very unattractive.
oh and immature, lazy, and just plain rude! 
so good luck to whoever decides they want that life! Especially with a "mother-in-law" like your mum, who also needs psychological help along with your father and yourself. 
Your mum must have slept with her brother, to have a child so dysfunctional as you!(BUT I guess thats normal over there) 

This is for all 3 of, your cheating, lying, whore mother, and your retarded Dad who needs to Para glide into hell for all eternity along with your family!

oh AND a little song for your mum! hope you enjoy, comes straight from the heart! :) 

please do me a BIG favor! 
Give this website to your mum, it will really really help!

AND this, please.
(she obviously couldn't keep her legs closed so she may need this)


LAST BUT NOT LEAST-how could I forget him?! this is for your dead drunk assed grandpa, who loved hitting women, and abusing them. Hope its warm down there. Burn you old bitch! 

 And for beating him with a BASEBALL BAT! I'm sure you feel like a GREAT grandson! Congrats.
Oh and yes, YOU should feel guilty for how you didn't visit him because you were "too busy" with friends

Give this link to any other grandparents you choose to beat with a BASEBALL BAT! :) Hope it helps.

your future room mate bubba! Ain't he pretty! Hope you have lube, oh wait....You can use your parents, again. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

OH OH!!! This is exciting i've always wanted to tell you this:
 I NEVER EVER stopped talking to my male friends, LOL! and I even went out to see them too! haha and SPOKE TO THEM! :O shocking huh?
Oh and prom, well that was even better....Best NIGHT ever! especially cause I got rid of you that night too!
I DID leave my facebook on so my mum could see, because my friend you are CRAZY! That was such a good way too, everything finished quicker than I thought (thank god) 
Now my life is perfect without you in it! :D 
(I have been wanting to do that since March 31st) 

P.S: My mum never called me at prom, I was having SUCH A GREAT TIME that I didn't want to talk to you, talking to all my guy friends, dancing with them and my friends....they all looked super hot too, 1000 times better than you EVER will! 

SO keep that in mind when you want to go and mess with other girls! Some WILL get revenge! I am that SOMEONE BIATCH!

Just saying...

These filthy Portuguese think that they can come to the UK and do whatever they like, WRONG!
That's what the Met police are for.  Thank GOD for CCTV! :)
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". 
Blackberry's don't lie, and with data recovery software nothing is hidden! 
Good Luck, Asshole. You're gonna need it!

Not the perfect two! Never were, and never will be!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Wish I was at school. Miss my beautiful boyfriend!:( atleast I got to dance with him at prom, was such a good night. 
Shame I can't replay that night again! Would be great to do it all over again <3 only a few more days and I'll be staying with him until he starts college, and until i start work. Going to be hard as I'm going to miss him do much! Almost our 4 month anniversary, actually so excited about it, i hear I'm meant to be getting a surprise....i have no idea what it could be lol, surprises make me so nervous...But anyway should be a great 2 weeks! life is great! 
Gonna miss you Lollipop :$ you are my star <3 

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Was it even worth it? All the pain, the lies, the heart break. Was it really worth all the stress?...No, it wasnt!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Just random thoughts...

Sure, play the sympathy card with her!
Eventually she'll figure you out!

Dedicated to my EX! :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
This is for all the lies..

Dominican Republic

Finally in Dominican Republic, so happy here. I'm actually with people who CARE about me, don't lie to me or hurt me! 
Be flying back to the UK in a few days, going to be sad to leave. Got my nose pierced, finally! couldn't before, had something stopping me! 

So glad my life is back to normal now, got my mind of stupid small things, and finally happy! who needs people who lie to them, and hurt them? 
I've never been so damn mad in my life! But I'm taking everyday as a new day, and moving on. I don't think I have been this happy in a LONG time! 
Get to go to my neeew house, that my parents have moved into whilst I was away.

Made so many great friends who I hate to say bye to, and even got a darker tan lol!
Legs hurt so much, haven't danced this much in years! gotta love the beach :D 
Looks like there was a light at the end of my dark, nasty tunnel, and now I am living that light every day! 

Thursday 12 July 2012

Update July 2012.

Haven't been blogging a lot lately, so I thought I would update and let everyone know what's going on.

Well, there have been good, and bad things happening lately. So much stress but so much happiness too.
I guess we should start with the bad, and end on a good note.

I have been in a really controlling, manipulative, lying relationship. With someone who I thought was a decent person, but he turned out to be very controlling and aggressive. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have done a lot of things different. But I have to move on, and live on. Things were tough, and felt like a big black hole. I was lost and blinded by the truth. But things have ended and are finally over.

I'm also moving to a new location, 200 miles north to where I live now. I'm going to miss my friends, but it's going to be a new start, new people and a new college, and also a new phone number. It's time to turn over a new leaf, and just forget everything in my past.

But the good thing about moving will be that I will be closer to a new guy I met, he will be less than 2 minutes away from my new home. I'm glad, because I wont have to worry about being lied to or cheated on. He actually treats me like a person, he cares about how I feel and he is a honest guy, and doesn't even lie to me! Like I was lied to before!

Everything has changed for the better and worse, but more the better. Everything has changed and it has made me a better person, I can finally be happy and live my life without being controlled.

Everyone has to move on, and keep going.