Thursday 12 July 2012

Update July 2012.

Haven't been blogging a lot lately, so I thought I would update and let everyone know what's going on.

Well, there have been good, and bad things happening lately. So much stress but so much happiness too.
I guess we should start with the bad, and end on a good note.

I have been in a really controlling, manipulative, lying relationship. With someone who I thought was a decent person, but he turned out to be very controlling and aggressive. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have done a lot of things different. But I have to move on, and live on. Things were tough, and felt like a big black hole. I was lost and blinded by the truth. But things have ended and are finally over.

I'm also moving to a new location, 200 miles north to where I live now. I'm going to miss my friends, but it's going to be a new start, new people and a new college, and also a new phone number. It's time to turn over a new leaf, and just forget everything in my past.

But the good thing about moving will be that I will be closer to a new guy I met, he will be less than 2 minutes away from my new home. I'm glad, because I wont have to worry about being lied to or cheated on. He actually treats me like a person, he cares about how I feel and he is a honest guy, and doesn't even lie to me! Like I was lied to before!

Everything has changed for the better and worse, but more the better. Everything has changed and it has made me a better person, I can finally be happy and live my life without being controlled.

Everyone has to move on, and keep going. 

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