Monday 30 May 2011


Its strange how people act when they are around different people, I love how some people at school seem to change with the groups of people or guys they hang around with. You have changed so much in the last 3 months, you hardely talk to people you just sits there with you iPod in listening to music texting all the time, Which fine I am not saying it is wrong to want to be on your own, but when your best friends even notice a change in your attidute and how you act, its starts to become a problem. Its a shame that you've chaged so much so fast I just wish that you could be the way you used to be when we were younger, it sucks that you prefer to talk to guys you dont know and text them then talk to your best friend. Our friendship has gone to waste, But I will always remember the memories we had shared before and I wont ever forget them
I miss how you acted and I miss how we used to talk for hours and hours but now I cant even get a word out of you. Where have you gone? And will you ever come back? Please just be the person you used to be, Thats all I ask!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah i agree...some people can change so much so fast. Sometimes we just need to let them go and learn by themselves that they're wrong, sometimes no matter how much we say they changed and what they are doing is wrong, we need to let them on they own for some time so they can learn what they really need and that what they were doing wasn't good but no matter what we tried to helped them and by that they'll come back cause they saw what we were doing.
