Monday 30 May 2011

Exams are here!

Well, they are back again. Those horrible exams are back and even worse now because they really matter more than the ever did, Its a pretty stressful time at the moment for pretty much all teenagers from the ages 15-18. Some people think they are simple, but actually its much harder than it sounds.
The task of getting into the hall and actually sitting in your seat without talking is a stressful task in its self. Your friends are sitting there in silence as you walk past most of the year 10's and 11's, trying your absolute hardest to not make ANY eye contact what so ever, so you dont smile and end up laughing. And having to walk up to the stage infront of 149 students while you put your bag down.
I find that the worst feeling ever when you turn around to start walking down the stage then seeing your friends trying so hard to not laugh, Then finally finding your seat and discovering that you are sat at the very front right in the middle! Thats the worst feeling anyone can have knowing that behind you are 149 students! But once you start the exam its a breeze, until you see in the exam paper "Please explain how you got your answer" thats when I die a little inside, thinking 'I dont know how I got it, I just know it'.
Well, so far I have had a Citizenship(Ethics), Religious Studies, Science(Physics) exam, I still have 5 more exams! Good Luck everybody who has an exam coming up.

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