Tuesday 31 May 2011


Is it just me or is everyone else also havig weird dreams?, Its strange but lately i've been dreaming about the strangest things. I dreamt that my cat could talk, had human legs but a cat like body, who spoke in Spanish. I feel slightly strange, and crazy. I'm sure there has to be some explanation to it. I've had crazy dreams about people I didn't even know, that I may have seen in the street or at school and recognise their faces. But I wonder if dreams have meanings? I heard that if you dream of falling, one of the most common dreams then it means that either your blood pressure has dropped, or that you are stressed, worried or scared about something. I have dreamt about falling hundreds of times. It's always right before I fall asleep, I feel like my bed has moved and I have fallen off, and kind of jump. I've also heard that if you ever dream of your teeth breaking, falling out or vanishing then you have big worries or that you are really scared of losing someone.
I used to dream about that often, but now i've stopped dreaming of my teeth falling out....
What's the strangest things you've ever dreamt about?

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