Monday 30 May 2011


Finally finished my English GCSE Filmstudies work, Not to hard. Had to take photography of a film I am creating. Went into the back garden and took photos of the cemetary. I am actually fond of my English classes, the teacher is much better than my old teacher. Finally getting better grades in English since I have a new teacher.
I know some people say that it isnt about the teacher but about the level of work you are putting into it, but having a teacher you actually like makes a big difference. If its a teacher you like and get along with you actually do the work and get good grades, But if its a teacher who you really dont like your grades go down significantly. Last year my English was a grade C, now since starting Year 10, having this teacher has made my grades go up to A, and A*. Which I am super happy about.
I didnt really like my English classes before, but now I actually enjoy going to class.
Here is a photo I took:
The film I am making is a horror movie. Hope for a good grade on this work.

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